{family photos}

Recently I had the wonderful opportunity to have some professional and family pictures done by Jenny Cruger.  I was so honored when she contacted me to do a local business profile for her blog.  You can read the interview here.  It was so much fun to do!
Jenny did a two day shoot.  On the first day I met her at one of Nourish's retailers and favorite places to eat, Joe Naturals.  I just knew it would be the perfect place and I was right.  They turned out great!
The next night we met her in a field at dusk, not sure how the kids (and husband) would cooperate in the 90 degree heat but they were troopers and I absolutely adore the images Jenny captured.  I've always admired natural light photography and the softness that it gives.  I will always cherish these sweet pictures and I'm so thankful to Jenny for them.



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