
I'm really excited about an idea I have for Nourish Baby Organics to spread organic pure skin care to those in need but I need your help in making this happen!  Here's the details...
You nominate a family who has a baby/child that could use some extra skin nourishment but might not be in a financial situation right now where they can afford to provide them with a good healthy skin care routine.  Each month a family will be chosen and they will receive on their doorstep a box full of our organic skin care products for FREE!  The box will include a gift set of 8 oz organic lavender wash4 oz organic lavender oil and 2 oz organic lavender balm.  Detailed instructions on how to use the products and their benefits will be included along with a note saying that someone thinks they are special and wants to share this with them.
If you know of a family whose child suffers from eczema, dryness or sensitive skin and you think they would be a good candidate to receive this gift then email me at melissa@nourishbabyorganics.com with the title "gifting" in the subject line.  Include a little bit of information on why you are nominating them and let's please keep this an honest program so people who truly need it can be benefited.  If the family you nominated is chosen I'll contact you for more details. Thanks for your help!
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