Miss Lyric {5 months}

Miss Lyric turned 5 months yesterday. She's doing great, a perfect angel.   We're still nursing exclusively, co-sleeping and babywearing.  I know attachment parenting isn't for everyone but I can't think of another way I'd want to raise my babies.  I feel so close to her and perfectly in tune with her needs and personality.
Like with Bishop we haven't done any shots and I don't think we will.  I'm just trusting my mama instinct on this one.  Once again, I know this isn't for everyone but thankfully we are still allowed to be in control of that decision for our family.  Some people ask me about this so I thought I'd share.
I'm excited because we are having our first family beach trip this summer.  I can't wait to show my babies the ocean and see them playing in the sand.  I know everyone says this but it's true...time is going by so fast.  I'm trying to soak in every little moment I can and keep reminding myself to be present.  There are so many beautiful memories being made right now.

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