Q & A with Dr. Hutti of BeWell Chiropractic

Two years ago we were searching everywhere for answers for how to treat Bishop’s GI issues, food allergies and eczema.  Someone suggested seeing a Chiropractor and after getting a recommendation for Dr. Janelle Hutti we had our first experience in Chiropractic care for our children.  This was not an area that I was very educated on.  I just knew that my little boy was suffering and if this could help even a little bit then why not try it.  

Shortly after his first couple of adjusts I was sold.  I noticed significant changes and learned about how his adjustments would also help give his immune system a boost and keep his ears safe from infections. Bishop was doing so well that we took a bit of a hiatus from his adjustments.  During that time he developed his first ear infection and had a string of them until we got back in the routine of getting adjusted.
When Lyric came along I knew we would get her adjusted regularly too.  I am a big believer in preventative natural healthcare but I notice that a lot of people are surprised when I mention that Bishop and Lyric get adjusted.  When I recommend it to others I’m meet with some hesitation and lots of questions which is understandable if you aren’t familiar in the area.  I've just become so comfortable with it that I don't think twice.  Dr. Hutti has become the first person I call when the kids are getting sick or I suspect another ear infection.
So I’ve asked Dr. Hutti to  answer a few questions regarding adjustments for children and she's kindly agreed.  If you have any questions that aren’t covered in the interview feel free to leave them in the comments or email them and we can try to address them as well.  I hope you enjoy and learn something new!

Melissa thank you so much for giving me the opportunity for education. Thank you for allowing me to help assist your family to greater health, and just thank you for asking!

1. Give us a brief history on Chiropractic and why you got into this field?

Chiropractic is Latin for 'by hand only'. It has been called 'bone-setting' for thousands of years and in the last 100 has come to America and is  what you see today.  I am for patient first health-care and support any profession who practices the same, but I was let down by the medical community in my teens. My ankle was hurting and i went to the best orthopedic docs, and they couldn't figure out what was wrong- just told me to quit running and skip basketball that year.  As I was an athlete and on an amazing 4x800 relay team in track, that was not an option. Now I was in severe pain and my whole leg would go weak, so my mom took me to this doctor called a chiropractor.  He looked at my WHOLE body and noticed that my 20 degree scoliosis was affecting my legs. (I had hurt my back lifting weights at 12 years old, was put in a brace, and my whole body weakened... there is not a history of scoliosis in my family).  I got adjustments over the course of 3 weeks, lowered my 1/2 mile time by 15 seconds, and our team went on to break the school record- a record that stands today, 20 years later.
I always knew I wanted to be a type of doctor; just didn't know what specialty; the skies opened up! I've never looked back!
You will find similar stories from most chiropractors!

2. What kind of education and training does a Chiropractor go through?

This is one of the most unknown things about us! We go through 8 years (4 undergrad, 10 terms of chiropractic school, and a pre-ceptorship (an unpaid residency!)). All chiropractic schools are private but undergrad is pre-med wherever you go. We use all the same medical books and learning concepts. The body is the body! During year 6, we focus on radiology, nutrition, and adjusting as opposed to pharmacology.  Nutrition and pharmacology biochemistry are the same: it is just chemical reactions.
(We are hands on and clinical from day one, something that is integral for getting good at diagnosis and adjusting. Diagnosis is my favorite part.)
We have to pass four national board exams: 3 written, one clinical. Then we are nationally licensed and state licensed. We are now covered by insurance. It is a nice perk and nice to be acknowledged, but that is just icing on the cake.
Most chiropractors own their own business. Many of them associate for a couple years to learn that side, which is tough! I was fortunate that I knew my path at an early age and constantly learned business from my dad, uncles, and worked 6 internships over the course of my youth.
Lastly, we take on huge student loans, like any other doctor; so we are serious when we make that choice in life!

3. One of the biggest concerns I hear from people is the safety of adjustments.  Can you tell us a little bit about that?

I find the biggest fear is letting someone else adjust your neck. Any good doctor will do a thorough examination (including cardio and neurological) and follow the golden rule: First, do no harm. After that, a skilled doctor of chiropractic will give a safe adjustment. (The noise is just gas release from the joints, not bone).  The risk for a stroke has been shown over the past 30 years, to be 1 in 1 to 5million adjustments. The last 10 injuries have been reported from physical therapists, family members, or hair dressers trying to adjust, not from a licensed chiropractor.  Only chiropractors are licensed and skilled to adjust the spine. My malpractice insurance per year tops off at @ $2000 as opposed to hundreds of thousands for any other specialty. That's the stats! With that said, you should be comfortable with any doctor you go to and be unafraid to communicate! It is your body!
Also, let me address one more thing! What is an adjustment!? It is just moving joints in the body that are stuck. The same way you would exercise your arms or legs (which are simple joints), we move the spine so that it is 'free' and sends good signals to the rest of the body (ie, health and not pain). Just like exercise, it is not dramatic and can take time to heal, but you are allowing your body to heal from the inside instead of covering up the problem. (Yes I am a big fan of yoga, exercise, sunshine, and good food!) Chiropractors are actually like neurologists (because the nerves run everything), the bones just get in the way! We can adjust any bone, head to toe. The adjustment and lining up the body is so powerful because your body has infinite ability to heal, it just needs to be put in the right circumstances.

4. How do you adjust children differently than adults?

There are 10 basic ways to adjust, or move, parts of the skeleton that are stuck.  Any type can be used on any age, but with kids, which in my opinion are the most difficult, you MUST be skilled and gentle.  I prefer using my hands, but there are tools that can be used. There is also a very effective soft-tissue adjustment. About 50% of what I do on children, i teach the parents, to empower them!
The kids generally cry because, especially toddlers, they don't want to hold still and they usually only want their mom! I typically tell them they are the assistant or the doctor and let them check my ears and heart etc. so they feel in control. If kids are used to getting shots or taking medicine, adjusting them is no big deal and much safer.

5. What are some benefits of adjustments and common problems that can be treated?

True prevention is living a healthy life. That means living in a way that you don't even exhibit symptoms. We use exercise to lose weight; exercise is actually designed for living! So adjustments do take us back from pain: any musculoskeletal issue, but past the symptoms, the reason we adjust (eat well, exercise, love!) is to keep the body moving well so that we don't have symptoms.
Any issue can be treated: the same nerves that run to the muscles, run to your liver, eyeballs, intestines, lymph, everything! It is about movement. People come to me mostly for pain, inability to move an area of the body, colds/flu, ear infections for kiddos (colic), skin conditions... The body is a whole: what is good for the spine is good for all! Movement is the key to life!

6. How often do you recommend getting adjusted?  I’ve had people ask about the commitment.

People always worry that if you go to the chiropractor, you have to go forever. I always say, you never have to do anything!
I myself always worry that once people are in pain or not functioning well and go on a pill, they will have to go on it forever! That is a commitment! If someone comes in with an injury, my recommendations are based on That Person's Case. Whether they get well and how fast they do depends on how well they follow a unique treatment plan and whether they take my at-home advice! It is all individual.  Usually by the time people get to me, they are pretty bad off, so I do my best to lay it straight so that we can get to the cause and the patient can get well.
My recommendations for general  health are coming in for monthly-movement adjustments, organic healthy eating, exercise, sunshine, clean water etc. Kids are good with quarterly checks. Your body, so much more complex than say, the lawn which gets mowed every week, needs attention.  It's all about choices. That is my maintenance recommendation, the rest is a person's choices!

7. I know that you also work on expecting mothers.  Tell us what you do for them during their pregnancy and after.
I LOVE working on pregnant moms! There is quite a bit of an array of soft tissue adjusting that needs to be done as well as the typical stuff.  It depends on their goals: are they in pain from sciatica, are they in for prevention, are they in an emotional state and need stress relief by being healthy? They typically have posture, living, and nutritional needs as well. Moms have it rough the first couple years, so we work on day to day solutions too. ....I have helped deliver, but wont go into the details here!!!

8. Any suggestions on what to look for when finding a Chiropractor?  

When looking for any doctor, it is good to know about their education and skill. It is better in addition, if they treat you well, get to the cause and help you find solutions. Most of all, your doctor should listen to you and do a thorough exam. In health, exams are getting more generic and that is not a good thing. Your doctor should listen to you and still give you their best objective advice based on their education.
I feel that my husband (who is my partner) and I love what we do and it is our calling. But many people feel that way. Beyond that, we are honest and have taken our lives to be educated and be good at what we do. That is what I feel is our best asset; desiring  to be good at what we do. The rest is up to the patients; we are their assistants, a step in their life, and here to mutually respect and serve them. Any doctor will do their best to help move their patients in the right direction, as that is what is being asked of us.

9. What do you hope to see for the future of Chiropractic and Alternative Medicine?

I want Chiropractic to remain autonomous. I want a brain surgeon to be great at brains! I want physical therapists and trainers to be great at exercise and I want chiropractors to be great at looking at the whole picture and adjusting! I want people to know that they can have the health and the life that they choose and there are choices in how one treats his/her/family's body. There are choices in what you learn, in what you experience, and what you want to do when you are not feeling well. Life is a commitment. Health is a responsibility. I think everyone should have different types of specialties in their grab bag: and natural primary care and chiropractic should be included!

Thank you again for your time and questions Melissa; have a well day! Dr. Janelle Hutti

*Dr. Hutti can be found at her practice BeWell Chiropractic in Spring Hill, TN 615-302-2798 and online at www.bewellspringhill.com


Jenny said...

Thanks so much for this post! I'm a first time mom to a 6mo old and just a week ago completely threw my back out. As I'm reading this I am laying on the floor unable to move & in pain and still waiting for a call back from a back specialist (who my doc referred me to). I've been contemplating calling a chiropractor & after reading this post I definitely will first thing tomorrow morning. It is absolutely killing me to not be able to care for my 6mo old the way that I should be & enjoy the sunshine & summer weather outside with him. I hope that a chiropractor might help me find some relief. Thanks again for answering so many questions!

jenny cruger said...

Love this and love Dr. Janelle! Melissa - I just sent you an email through your website. :)


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